1998 初涉汽车销售行业,忐忑求索。时年2月,奔驰S320交付客户,首笔交易达成。 1998 Began our pioneering work. In February, the delivery of Mercedes-Benz S320, completed our first trade. 2003.7.10 美国旧金山——中国天津港,20个工作日,随着保时捷.卡宴落地交付,全美车市至中国区购车通道打通. 2003.7.10 From San Francisco to Tianjin Port, the purchasing flow of car was set up, credited with the delivery of Porsche Cayenne within only twenty days.2006.9.12 ZOKAY第一次股东会议,确定投资及服务方向。 2006.9.12 First stockholder conference of ZOKAY, confirmed the direction of investment and service. 2007.3.16 公司章程确立,销售及服务部门整编完成。2007.3.16 The rules of company were created, and the reorganization of Sales Department and Service Department was completed 2007.5.20 公司VIS系统,客户资源管理系统,售后服务进。 2007.5.20 Implemened the VIS System , Customer Resource Management System(CRMS) and After Service System(ASS). 至此,在您翻开此页的同时,ZOKAY亦整装蓄势,全司两地通力协作,全情致力于为您提供完美购车方案。 Now, ZOKAY is ready to provide you the perfect car purchasing plan.